Scape Complete has been developed to be an all in one system for your aquarium plants. Scape Complete contains all the essential minerals and nutrients required by your aquarium plants throughout all their stages of growth.
Scape Complete contains all of the elements in our separate Scape N, Scape P as well as Scape K and Trace products. It was developed to make life simple. Simplicity is one of the key enjoyment factors of aquarium keeping, and this one bottle solution certainly makes life so much easier.

Scape Liquid Carbon has been developed to supply the aquarium plants an alternative carbon source to injected CO2.
While we at Scape will always recommend injecting CO2 into the aquarium, we know that it is not always the easiest, or most affordable, method of supplying Carbon to the aquarium. Scape Liquid Carbon will supply the required Carbon to the aquarium plants, by dosing 1 squirt, approximately 1ml, of Scape Carbon per 50L of aquarium water.
Scape Carbon has the added advantage of suppressing algae growth. Scape Carbon will kill Black Beard Algae on contact. As well as various other types of nuisance algae, such as thread algae, hair algae, dust algae and staghorn algae.

Scape Bac-Up has been developed to introduce healthy bacterial colonies into your aquarium environment. With over 30 different strains of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, at a concentration far superior to anything else currently on the market, this product is designed to increase the bacterial colonies in the aquarium in order to drastically reduce the amount of waste in the aquarium.
Scape Bac-Up will assist with removing Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia as well as reducing Phosphate levels within the aquarium. It will help to remove sludge and improve water clarity, inoculate biofilters and improve the overall condition of the aquarium, thus reducing the frequency of water changes.
Always remember that water changes are a necessity for a healthy, vibrant aquarium, and a minimum of 25-30% of the aquarium water should be changed weekly.

Scape K and Trace was developed to supply Potassium and Trace Elements to the aquarium plants in the correct quantity.
By adding one pump (approximately 1ml) of Scape K and Trace per 50L of aquarium water on a daily basis, you will be supplying enough Potassium and Trace Elements for your aquarium plants.
Potassium is one of the most used Elements in a planted aquarium, and thus it is vital to add it to the aquarium. By combining Potassium and Trace Elements into one easy to use bottle, Scape K and Trace will save you time as well as money.
Pinholes will form in the leaf. These holes will gradually become bigger, and a yellowing area on the leaf will surround them.
Twisted, Pale growth (Calcium), yellow new growth (Iron), dark leaf veins and light leaf colour (Magnesium).
To counter these problems, one should immediately carry out a 50% water change, ensuring that you remove the dead leaf matter from the bottom of the aquarium. Once the aquarium is filled again, you can begin dosing Scape K and Trace as per the instructions on the bottle.

If you add tap water directly to the aquarium before treating the water, you should add 1 squirt per 50L of your entire aquarium volume.

Scape N was developed to supply Nitrogen, to aquarium plants, in the correct quantities.
By adding one pump (approximately 1ml) of Scape N per 50L of aquarium water on a daily basis, you will be supplying enough Nitrogen for your aquarium plants.
Plant growth will increase over time, and as your plant mass increases, you may increase your dosage of Scape N to keep up with your plants increasing demands.
As with any aquarium, maintaining the balance is critical in keeping your aquarium plants healthy. It is for this reason that we recommend that a 35-50% water change be carried out once a week. This is not to remove fertilizer from the aquarium. It is to remove the waste produced by fish, as well as plants. Plants and fish secrete hormones and waste into aquarium water, and by doing a 50% water change, one can simply halve the amount of waste products within the aquarium, thus keeping the system in balance.
Not only does this maintain the balance, it reintroduces minerals that your aquarium plants require, such as calcium.

Scape P was developed to supply Phosphorus to the aquarium plants in the correct quantity.
By adding one pump (approximately 1ml) of Scape P per 50L of aquarium water on a daily basis, you will be supplying enough Phosphorus for your aquarium plants.
Plant growth will increase over time, and as your plant mass increases, you may increase your dosage of Scape P to keep up with your plants increasing demands.
Never dose more Phosphorus than Nitrates, as this will create an imbalance within the aquarium and could result in favorable growing conditions for pest algae such as Cyanobacteria.
If a deficiency should occur, your plants older leaves will have dead patches on them, as the plant tries to reabsorb the nutrient in the leaf. The older leaves will also yellow and you may find that they fall off rather easily. They will also be prime candidates for having Green Spot Algae growing on them. It is similar to a Nitrogen deficiency, but without the stunted, pale new growth.
To counter this problem, one should immediately carry out a 50% water change, ensuring that you remove the dead leaf matter from the bottom of the aquarium. Once the aquarium is filled again, you can begin dosing Scape P as per the instructions on the bottle.